Winter has already reached us and with the cold winter also come the low temperatures. But don’t worry, because the mandarins and oranges San Rafael are ripening greatly so that the low temperatures don’t catch you unaware. Take a look in and book your mandarins now.
You will surely know that the composition and nutrients, as its high content in vitamin C and antioxidants, of mandarins and oranges make them a perfect ally against winter colds. In addition, it’s delicious taste, especially those that we offer in Naranjas San Rafael, makes them the perfect winter fruits. Today, we want to unveil, some other properties that make the oranges and mandarins an outright food.
Did you know that..?
Mandarins have a very low content in sugars and fats: only 0,3% of every 100 grams of fruit has a fatty component. Great part of its composition is made up of a composition of water a fibre, which makes the intestinal movement easier and produces a satiation sensation. It is therefore a perfectly compatible food with diets and weight loosing therapies.
A good advice is to eat the fruits before lunches or dinners to reduce the hunger and therefore ingest a lower quantity of food later. Moreover, it is a light food which will not produce you a heavy feeling or stomach ache.
So let’s concentrate in the question of todays topic, generally, the mandarins will bring around 50 calories for every 100 grams of fruits that we ingest. If we consider that we will ingest medium seize mandarins, we will not be intaking more than 40 grams for each mandarine.
Another positive aspect of the mandarins is the great quantity of antioxidants and vitamin C that, in addition of improving the metabolism of fatty acids, avoids the cellular damage and improves our health considerably.
The regular intake of mandarins reduces the retention of liquids due to the increase of the urinating frequency thanks to its high content in potassium.
Lets eat mandarins!
So now you know! There are no excuses for not including the mandarins in your daily diet, as they will bring you very healthy complements. In resume a healthy, tasty and very complete food.
We hope to have contributed with some interesting and curious information about our precious mandarins and have no doubts in writing your comments with suggestions, questions or opinions in the post.
Very soon we will be able to offer you the best mandarins in Naranjas San Rafael. Book your order now!
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