Homemade orange cake…try it!

Citrus cakes are always great, but there is one that stands out from all the other and thats  our homemade orange cake. With our homemade recipe you will achieve  a spongy, juicy and tasty biscuit. Simple recipe ideal for those who are starting to learn The perfect dessert!



  • 6-8 Oranges San Rafael
  • 375 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • olive oil
  • 1 natural yoghurt
  • yeast

Step by step

In order to prepare our homemade orange cake we will have in first place to heat the oven to 180ºC. While the oven warms up we will peel half of the oranges without reaching the white part of them (albedo) as this will give us a bitter taste, and, squeeze the juice of all the oranges.

We will then beat the eggs, add the olive oil, the sugar, the natural yogurt, the orange peel and the orange juice while stiring the mix until it forms a uniform blend.

After having our uniform blend we will add the flour and yeast. This must be done slowly and without stopping to stir so that no crumps are formed and the blend stays uniform.

Prepare a mould to pour the content of our blend in it and introduce it in the oven for 40 minutes. After the 40 minutes our homemade orange cake will be ready to leave to cool.

Now you only need to enjoy it!

*In oder to make it look nicer you can sprinkle some icing sugar*   ?

2018-06-04T11:40:39+02:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

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